The Millionaires MAP™
is the most powerful prosperity tool
I've yet to encounter in 20 years of studying money and
personal development...

Patrick Combs, bestselling author, Major In Success; master speaker, entertainer, storyteller;
Co-Founder, The Good Thinking Company;



Following is a selection of Frequently Asked Questions about The Millionaire’s MAP™ and its author, Matthew Cross. Your specific questions are also welcomed; click here to submit your question.

1. What IS The Millionaire’s MAP™?
2. How does the Millionaire’s MAP™ work?
3. What is the Fibonacci Sequence?
4. Who is the Millionaire’s MAP written for?
5. What can I expect from the Millionaire’s MAP™?
6. How many times can I do the Millionaire’s MAP™?
7. How was the Millionaire’s MAP™ created?
8. Why did you write The Millionaire’s MAP™?
9. Are there other Millionaire’s MAP™ products?
10. How has the author benefited from the Millionaire’s MAP™?

1. What IS The Millionaire’s MAP™?
It’s a wonderfully simple process, a game, where you spend increasing amounts of money on paper—in the workshop of your imagination. It’s based on the Fibonacci Sequence, the infinite code of growth and success in the Universe. The process guides you for 21 days via 21 short chapters. As you progress through the workbook, your imagination is increasingly expanded to think bigger in all areas of your life.

2. How does the Millionaire’s MAP™ work?
The process provides a virtual, unlimited playground for your subconscious mind. As the great Olympic champion Billy Mills (featured in the book) notes, “your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between imagination and reality.” The Millionaire’s MAP™ engages your imagination and enhances your ability to think bigger. Spending greater sums of money every day on paper is the easy method used in the book. It allows you to both practice and experience the joy and fun of unlimitedness around money and greater abundance, and sets the stage to receive it in your reality.

As you spend increasing amounts of money in your imagination on the things, people and experiences that lift and delight you, you are sending a powerful message to your future. You are practicing having all that you want by feeling and enjoying it now. Practicing and having are not separate. Gregg Braden, author of The God Code, puts it this way: “Feeling and prayer are one in the same. When feeling and prayer are as one, when our heart and mind unite around our desires, we tap into an ancient technology for creating miracles in our lives.”

3. What is the Fibonacci Sequence?
The Fibonacci Sequence was discovered in the 12th century by one of history’s greatest yet forgotten mathematicians, Leonardo Fibonacci of Pisa. Fibonacci introduced the mysterious, infinite Sequence of numbers that bears his name: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21... where each successive number is always the sum of the previous two. This is the formula for an infinite growth spiral that grows from within itself. Intriguingly, the ratio of any two successive Fibonacci numbers always approaches the Golden Ratio 1.618..., also known as the Divine Proportion, Divine Code or simply Phi. It has been known since ancient times as the ubiquitous Master Code of growth, beauty, unity and transformation. This magic code describes and guides everything from the spiral of the Milky Way to the curl of ocean waves to the structure, growth, movement and behavior of plants, animals and humans, right down to our DNA. It even plays a vital role in Dan Brown’s book The Da Vinci Code, one of the bestselling novels of all time. The Fibonacci Sequence illustrates the ubiquitous code behind the seen and unseen worlds. If there is such a thing as “God’s Code,” the Fibonacci Sequence and associated Golden Ratio/Divine Code would have to be it.

4. Who is the Millionaire’s MAP written for?
Everyone and anyone who wishes to tap their greater potential, exercise their infinite imagination and create a more abundant life.

5. What can I expect from the Millionaire’s MAP™?
Permission to dream bigger. Growing feelings of excitement, expectancy and a delightful sense of possibilities, never imagined before. A heightened sense of conviction that the Universe is on your side and is conspiring to shower you with blessings, as Rob Breszny of notes. A new, upgraded mindset that’s ready for miracles!

6. How many times can I do the Millionaire’s MAP™?
As many times as you like. It’s usually a good idea to allow the process to settle into your subconscious mind for a month or so after your first time completing it.

7. How was the Millionaire’s MAP™ created?
The Millionaire’s MAP™ was created to be a fun and effective method for activating the infinite power of the imagination, which we all possess. For much of my life, I’ve been researching and testing methods for tapping the power of my mind to co-create my desired future. Many of these methods included various forms of visualization, journaling, affirmations and multi-sensory, virtual/”holodeck” activation. In my research I learned of various games of mind expansion which involved spending money on paper, usually tied to a simple doubling formula. Such doubling formulas resulted in spending curves that rapidly became too steep and thus felt unrealistic. The process that became The Millionaire’s MAP™ began on a blank sheet of paper, which I filled in daily. The catalytic spark was the flash of insight I had one day to integrate the Fibonacci Sequence’s exponential growth curve into the daily spending exercises. The Fibonacci Sequence contains the Divine Code, which guides the growth and structure of the Universe. I tested it on myself first and soon experienced near-miraculous results, which continue to this day. I was so excited that I shared the process with those close to me—and they also experienced wonderful results. The requests for a simple “how-to” workbook mounted and thus The Millionaire’s MAP™ was created.

8. Why did you write The Millionaire’s MAP™?
The Millionaire’s MAP™ process changed my life. I wrote this book to share the real magic which I’ve experienced along with many other people.

9. Are there other Millionaire’s MAP™ products?
Yes! Hot on the drawing board are more Millionaire’s MAP™ books (including The Millionaire’s MAP for Couples™) games and multi-media products. Check back soon to learn more.

10. How has the author benefited from the Millionaire’s MAP™?
As I wrote in the book, within three months of completing my first Millionaire’s MAP™ my cash flow tripled, in a way I had not foreseen. In the process, I was called on to rapidly expand my creativity and sharpen and share more of my talents. My entire life has continued on an upward spiral of greater abundance in all areas since that first test flight of The Millionaire’s MAP™.

Your specific Millionaire's MAP™ questions are also welcomed; click here to submit your question.